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System 1143 : Microcemnto Flooring Over Ceramic

System Buildup:

Microcemnto Flooring Over Ceramic

System Description:

It is a high-performance system, it creates luxurious and seamless surfaces with modern concrete look. It is highly suitable for the finishing of vertical and horizontal surfaces, both indoor and outdoor. This system is ecologically sound because it is applied directly on screed or ceramic surfaces, without the need for removal or disposal it by applying 2K FONDO. This system designed for a wide range of floors such as: cement screeds, ceramic surfaces, porcelain, mosaics, concrete, plasters, & gypsum

Recommended System:

Product use Product name Coats/Thickness
Primer 2K Fondo 1
Membrane Creativo Fondo 1
Mid coat Creativo Finitura 2
Sealer HB Sealer WB 1
Sealer Creativo Top 1